Monday, August 29, 2011


As a fore--note for this entry (mainly for my dad), my main purpose for coming to Sweden is to study, and learn a lot of things. However, not everything is learned in the classroom. For example, in Swedish today, we were in the classroom for about 15 minutes, and then we took a walk to a nearby park where we learned about how farmers lived in Sweden 300 years ago. It was very interesting, to learn that Swedish farmers and their families slept sitting up to keep the water and blood in their bodies from mixing. Also, there were 17 people, including children and servants did this every night (with chickens running around the floor in the winter) in a room the size of about 12x20. it was tight with the 16 students, one teacher, and one museum guide in that space. After that adventure was lunch, which if I have not mentioned already, the food is always good, and very fresh. After lunch, was nothing. Class was over. At 12:30 in the afternoon. Anyway, a Swed from SVF who lives in the area borrowed his dads car and took some of us to his house, and where he is from to show us some of the amazing views that are surrounding Jonkoping (unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera...i just thought we were going into town). However, with the magic of Facebook, I have some of those pictures. 
 From left to right: Nate Elia Travers; Ben Poor; Me; Carl Rudenstam (the Swede who showed us all of the views and drove us around)
 From left to right: Ben; Dan Pihl, Nate. I'm on top. This is at the place were Carl worked. It is an apple orchard and we are in and on a box. 

The picture below is the opposite of the box (see it in the lower left hand?) on top of the apple orchard overlooking Lake Vetten and Jonkoping in the Distance. Amazing. 

From left to right: Nate; Dan; Me; Ben. This is on top of a large hill in Husqvarna (yes, the very same as the power tools. They are made here!) It took a master like Carl to get us to this place, but what a view! Lake Vetten, Jonkoping in the distance, Husqvarna at the bottom of the hill, and four handsome men in the foreground.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Missed you at the beach on labor day, played some golf, some freesbie golf and did lots of boogy boarding and body surfing on hugh wave on Lake Michigan and of course ate Pam's pasta sausage and pepper thinking of you! Enjoy Sverige! Uncle John
